Author Talk: “Einstein: The Man and His Mind”

Date(s) - March 14, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

On Einstein’s birthday (and Pi Day), the Historical Society and Princeton Public Library present a virtual talk with Gary Berger and Michael DiRuggiero, authors of Einstein: The Man and His Mind, a visual biography of Albert Einstein.

This program will be presented via Zoom. Click here to register.

Click here for a full schedule of Pi Day events. 

From the publisher:
With no technical jargon, and in a way both scientists and general readers can appreciate, this one-of-a-kind visual biography tells the story of Albert Einstein’s life and work.

With 150 high-resolution images, Einstein. The Man and His Mind features rarely-seen photos of Albert Einstein, his private letters, ground-breaking manuscripts, journals, and equations written in his hand. 

About the Authors:
A retired physician, Gary S. Berger‘s introduction to relativity theory was in 1962 during a college course on the history of science. Several decades later, after reading a book about Albert Einstein, Berger developed a deeper desire to understand Einstein’s theory. Over time he began to collect original writings and photographs of Einstein. His co-author on this book, Michael DiRuggiero, owner of Manhattan Rare Book Company, helped him with this endeavor and helped to organize his expanding collections. In time, he began to get the feeling of familiarity with Albert Einstein as a real person (largely through the photos), while gaining a basic understanding of his contributions. It is his hope that “Einstein: The Man and His Mind” will give readers a similar sense of familiarity with this amazing man and his creative mind.

Michael DiRuggiero owns The Manhattan Rare Book Company. He specializes in the history of science with an emphasis on original material relating to Albert Einstein. DiRuggiero was instrumental in the development of Dr. Berger’s collection.